Al Ladesic, LAc, Dipl. O.M.

Al’s discovery of Traditional Chinese Medicine began when he sought out an alternative treatment for depression and insomnia. Unfortunately, the side effects from conventional medications were placing a substantial strain on his health, home & work life. Heeding a friend’s advice, Al began seeing an acupuncturist, and his improvement in sleep quality and well being were almost immediate. It was truly a life-changing experience.
Inspired by the power behind his own healing, Al decided to leave a long career in real estate and finance to pursue a calling in Chinese Medicine. He enrolled and graduated from the Master’s program at Midwest College of Oriental Medicine and is NCCAOM board-certified in acupuncture and herbal medicine. He also holds a Bachelor Degree in Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and an MBA from the University of Arizona.

Al lives in Vernon Township with his wife Mary and daughter Sofia.
My Philosophy
I am interested in hearing your story to determine your areas of concern, and the contributing factors from your lifestyle, diet, and stressors. Once we’ve established your health goals, I will put together a personalized plan that will include the most advanced techniques in Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture and Pulse Diagnosis. If appropriate, I will use other common modalities such as cupping, guasha and nutritional counseling.
My goal is to facilitate you and your body back to health as quickly as possible, and to help maintain your wellness for years to come. Chinese Medicine provides a straightforward approach to assessing your state of health, and together we can make the journey back to wholeness.